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From the Press

קבלת השגריר הבריטי הנכנס.PNG

The Israel-Britain Chamber of Commerce (IBCC) is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting bilateral trade, investment and business relationships between Israel and the United Kingdom. As one of Israel’s leading bi-national chambers, we have extensive contacts and networks in both countries, including direct personal connections to leaders in both the public and private sectors.

The bilateral relationship has never been stronger, with annual trade now exceeding the US$7 billion mark and the two countries complementing each other's strengths. Commercial, technological, industrial and academic delegations cross over on a frequent basis, and hundreds of Israeli companies have set up operations in the UK, creating wealth and encouraging growth. 

The IBCC provides members with the unique access and information necessary to build business and investment opportunities in the UK and Israel, often serving as the stepping stone for finding contacts and expanding overseas. The success stories of the chamber are numerous.


The chamber is commited to continuously encouraging Israeli regional development agencies to introduce themselves to the British business community and vice versa, through seminars, workshops, networking, and personal meetings.


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